Bulletin 639510 May 2005 8-1
Section 8
Saving a Site Report or Site Configurations
Site conguration information can be saved for future reference using either the ‘File, Save
Site Report’ option or the ‘File, Save Site Conguration’ option from the main program menu.
The ‘File, Save Site Report’ option allows site conguration information to be saved into a
text le to open in Word or a tab delimited le to open in Excel (*.txtrpt for Word or *.tabrpt for
Excel). The ‘File, Save Site Conguration’ option saves a le to the computer hard drive for a
future release of the ATC200-Lite program to be able to read. Files saved are stored on the
computer hard drive at ‘C:\ATC200_Site_Files’.
8.1 Saving/Viewing a Site Report Formatted to Open in Word.
1. To save a report that can be opened in Word, go to ‘File, Save Site Report’ from the main
menu (Figure 8-1).
Figure 8-1. Selecting ‘Save Site Report’ from Main Program Menu.
Go to ‘File, Save Site Report’.