ATC200-Lite Teletilt
Remote Control Downtilt System Section 4–Device Discovery and Addressing
Bulletin 639510 May 2005 4-5
3. A message will appear that the device was successfully removed from the address it
originally held. Click ‘OK’ to return to the ‘Manual Addressing’ screen (Figure 4-7).
4. To assign a specic address that is known to be available, follow steps 6 through 10.
To have the program suggest the rst available address, click ‘Close’ to return to the ‘De
vice Information’ list on the main screen and follow steps 5 through 10 (Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-7. Confirmation of Device Removal.
Figure 4-9. Selecting the Device to be Readdressed.
Figure 4-8. Exiting ‘Manual Addressing’ Screen.
1. Click on device to be readdressed (now addressed at 0).
2. Go to ‘Tools, Addressing’.
5. S e le c t t h e d ev i c e f ro m th e
‘D evic e Info rma tion ’ lis t and
go to ‘Tools, Addressing . . .’
(Figure 4-9).