Bulletin 639510 May 2005 4-1
Section 4
Device Discovery and Addressing
4.1 Device Search
After an antenna denition le has been loaded, automatically during program installation or
manually by the user (see Section 3), a device search can be activated. A device search is
the process by which the program performs an AISG compliant device scan to discover all
AISG devices currently attached to the ATC200-Lite controller’s RS-485 bus. At this point in
program startup, a device search is the only allowed option. A device search is required before
proceeding, so that the program can determine which devices are present on the tower and
retrieve their current conguration parameters (also see Bulletin 639512 for a quick device
setup and operations guide). It is important to note that this feature automatically scans and
sets each device address to ‘0’ and then readdresses them in the order they respond to the
controller during the device search. Generally, the devices respond in sequential order of
their serial number. This feature helps reduce possible conict issues that could arise during
operation later.
1. From the program startup screen, click ‘Find Devices’ to start the device search (Figure
Figure 4-1. Startup Screen Ready for Device Search.
Click ‘Find Devices’.
Program automatically searches for the latest Antenna Definition file and loads
it to the program if it has not been loaded from an earlier startup session.