Language Dictionary - 8
Table 8-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax (continued)
:DVM [:DC]?
Returns DVM dc voltage measurement
Returns DVM rms voltage measurement
:VOLTage [:DC]?
Returns dc voltage
Returns the total rms voltage (ac+dc)
Returns the HIGH level of a voltage pulse
Returns the LOW level of a voltage pulse
Returns maximum voltage
Returns minimum voltage
[:STATe] <bool>
Enables/disables the dc source output
:MODE <mode>
Sets output compensation
[:STATe] <bool>
Enables/disables the DFI output
:SOURce <source>
Selects event source (QUES | OPER | ESB | RQS | OFF)
:STATe <state>
Set power-on state (*RST | RCL0)
Reset latched protection
:DELay <n>
Delay after programming/before protection
:MODE <mode>
Specifies the output relay mode (DD, HD, DH, or HH).
:MODE <mode>
Sets remote inhibit operating mode (LATC | LIVE | OFF)
[:DC] :RANGe [:UPPer] <n>
Selects the high current measurement range
:DETector <detector>
Selects the current measurement detector (ACDC | DC)
:FUNCtion <function>
Configures the measurement sensor ("VOLT" | "CURR" | "DVM")
Returns the setting of the open sense detection circuit
:STATe <state>
Enables/disables open sense lead detection
:POINts <n>
Defines the pre/post data capture in the measurement
:POINts <n>
Define the number of data points in the measurement
:TINTerval <n>
Sets the digitizer sample spacing
:WINDow [:TYPE] <type>
Sets the measurement window function (HANN | RECT)
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the output current limit
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the triggered output current limit
:STATe <bool>
Enables/disables current limit protection
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the output2 current level
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the triggered output2 current level
:DATA [:VALue] <n>
Sets and reads the digital control port
:FUNCtion <function>
Configures digital control port (RIDF | DIG | TRIG)
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the output resistance
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the triggered output resistance
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the output voltage level
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>
Sets the triggered output voltage level