Language Dictionary - 8
OUTPut[1 | 2]:RELay:MODE
Agilent 66319B/66319D with Option 521 only
Specifies one of the relay modes (DD, DH, HD, or HH). The output must be turned off before any
programmed mode settings take effect. Relay settings cannot be coupled; they must be set separately for
each output. Relay modes are stored in non-volatile memory and will be restored when the unit is turned
on. When shipped from the factory, the relay mode for both output 1 and output 2 is set to HH.
Output ON
Output OFF
Dry Dry
Dry Hot
When the Output ON relay mode is set to Hot, the dc source does not check for open sense leads when the output
is turned on or enabled. With Hot output switching, the output is programmed before the sense relays are closed.
Command Syntax
OUTPut[1|2]:RELay:MODE <mode>
DD | DH | HD | HH
OUTP:REL:MODE DH (sets output 1 relay mode DH)
OUTP2:REL:MODE HH (sets output 2 relay mode HH)
Query Syntax
Returned Parameters
CAUTION: Non-volatile memory has a finite maximum number of write cycles. Programs that
repeatedly cause write cycles to non-volatile memory can eventually exceed the
maximum number of write cycles and cause the memory to fail.
This command programs the output compensation circuit. This circuit compensates the output of the dc
source according to the input capacitance of the phone being tested as well as the type of output
connections being used. The following table summarizes the four programmable compensation modes.
Used for slower response with short load leads or bench operation. This produces the
slowest output response, but provides the best stability (no external capacitor needed).
Used for slower response with long load leads using remote sensing.
Use for faster response with short load leads or bench operation (no external cap needed).
Used for faster response with long load leads using remote sensing. This produces the
fastest output response, but requires an external capacitor for stable operation.
Standard dc source units are shipped from the factory with the output compensation set to HRemote
mode. HRemote mode setting provides the fastest transient response performance for phones with input
capacitances greater than 5µF. Most phones have input capacitances greater than 5 µF. However, the
operation of the dc source may be momentarily unstable with phones that have input capacitances less
than 5 µF, or if the output sense leads are not connected and you are operating in HRemote mode.
NOTE: If you want the unit to power up with a different compensation setting, you must first save
the desired settings in non-volatile memory location 0 with the *SAV command. Use
OUTP:PON:STAT RCL0 to program the unit to power up with the location 0 settings.