General Information - 2
Option 521 Description (Agilent 66319B/D only)
Option 521 consists of the following enhancements to the output capabilities of Agilent models
♦ Solid-state relays to connect and disconnect the output of the dc source.
The relays are available on the output and sense terminals of outputs 1 and 2. When the solid state
relays are open, the output impedance is effectively raised to about 500k ohms for output 1, and
about 200k ohms for output 2. Note that the relays open only in response to an Output OFF
♦ The ability to either Hot switch or Dry switch the solid state relays.
With Hot switching, the relays control the on/off characteristics of the voltage at the output
terminals. With Dry switching, the power mesh controls the on/off characteristics of the voltage at
the output terminals. In general, Hot switching activates the relays when current is flowing through
them. Dry switching activates the relays when no current is flowing through them. You can specify
different relay options for the Output ON and Output OFF commands. The following table describes
the actions that occur based on the relay mode selection in response to the ON or OFF commands.
Table 2-5. Option 521 Relay Modes
Relay Mode Output ON Output OFF
Dry (D)
1. Closes the output relay
2. Closes the sense relay
3. Programs the output
1. Downprograms the output
2. Opens the sense relay
3. Opens the output relay
Hot (H)
1. Programs the power mesh
2. Closes the output relay
3. Closes the sense relay
1. Opens the sense relay
2. Opens the output relay
3. Downprograms the power mesh
The relay modes are stored in non-volatile memory. The last selected mode will be restored when the
unit is turned on. When shipped from the factory, the relay mode for both output 1 and output 2 is set
to Output ON Hot, Output OFF Hot (HH). The *RST command has no effect on the relay mode.
NOTES: Even with open sense lead detection enabled, the dc source does not check for open
sense leads when output 1 is enabled if the Output ON relay mode is set to Hot.
On output 1 and output 2, with the Output OFF relay mode set to Hot, any external
output capacitors will not be downprogrammed or discharged. This is because the output
relay opens prior to the downprogramming of the power mesh.
With either output 1 or output 2 disabled, the output voltage readback will not be correct.
This is because the sense relay is open, effectively breaking the readback path. The
voltage readback will be a small negative number.
Table 2-6. Option 521 Factory Settings
Output Coupling
(outputs not coupled)
Output Sense Protection
Output Compensation
Output 1 Relay Mode
Output 2 Relay Mode