Why should I update my weight daily?
If you enter your weight in your wrist unit daily, the Program is more accurate and you achieve better results.
How much can my weight increase before the arrow of the weight Diary turns to the left?
In a Weight Loss Program, the arrow shows today’s weight compared to yesterday’s weight (or the last updated weight, if you have
not inputted your weight daily). In a Weight Maintenance Program, your weight is compared to your target weight. Your weight is
allowed to increase 3.3 lbs/1.5 kg before the arrow turns to the left as an alarm to pay attention to your weight.
What should I do if...
...I burn more exercise calories than is recommended by the Weight Management Program?
Exceeding the target amount of exercise calories by a small amount is not harmful, it is even desirable! If you exceed the target
by a continuous and large amount, it is recommended that you create a new Program and select a higher amount of exercise for
your new Program. This way, the amount of your intake calories is in proportion to the real amount you exercise.
...I eat more calories than is recommended by the Weight Management Program?
In order to reach your targets, it is good to stick to the given Program. Exceeding the calorie target once does not matter, but it is
important that you update all the calories you have eaten in the wrist unit. This way the Program can adjust itself for you.
...I burn less exercise calories than the weekly recommended amount?
In order to reach your targets, it is good to stick to the given Program. In WM22/WM21, the monitoring of the Weight
Management Program should be done manually with the Weight Management Guide Book. If you notice that you are running
notably behind your targets, it is recommended that you create a new Program and recheck the requested values.