Game Lab Fish Frenzy E 3
A-Mazing D 3
Nutri-nuts NONE 1
Juke Box NONE 1
Fenced In NONE 1
Balloon Blast NONE 1
Soccer NONE 1
Sea Saw Cloud C 3
Mice Maze C 3
3 In A Row NONE 1
Creation Station Creation Station NONE 1
Creative Studio Artwork Studio NONE 1
Music Composer NONE 1
A Five questions per round
Get 20 points for the correct answers on the 1st try
Get 10 points for the correct answer on the 2nd try
Get 5 points for the correct answer on the 3rd try
B Ten words per round
Each correct word is worth 10 points
Incorrect answers are worth NO points
C There are 5 tasks per round
Get 20 points if you complete a task within time limit
Get no points if you fail to complete the task within time limit
D Get 100 points if the task is completed on the first try
Get 90 points if the task is completed on the second try
Get 80 points if the task is completed on the third try
E Score is calculated as: (Fish Caught) Divided by (Number of Fish) Times 100 = SCORE
NOTE: Once you get 2 rounds in a row with a perfect score of 100, SkillStarterâ„¢
Notebook will automatically increase the level of difficulty.
48000MU 4/26/02, 1:46 AM19