other than a member of an approved service center, because improper resealing
compromises water resistance.
The warranty to exchange or replace expires three (3) years after the date of
The warranty does not cover:
– The life of the battery.
– Damage,caused byageing,normaluse orchanges incolor,to thestrap (leather,
textile, rubber), the glass (scratches), the bezel, the case or any other part not
expressly mentioned.
– Damageindirectly causedby abnormal useor misuse(non-compliance withthe
instructions for use) or resulting from carelessness, negligence or accidents
This warranty carries specific legal rights. This warranty is exclusive and replaces
any other written, oral or implied warranty of quality and performance. Any other
warranty, including any warranty implied by a dealer or any implied warranty of
suitability fora particular use,is therefore excluded.The legislation of your country
may provide you with additional rights.
VictorinoxSwissArmyWatchSA anditspartnersmay notbeheld responsibletoyou
or to any third party for any exceptional, indirect, secondary or resultant damage,
whether on account of a contract, a harmful act, negligence, risk or other liability.
Some countriesdo not accept exclusions orlimitations to thelength of warranty, or
exclusions or limitations regarding secondary or consequential damages, so that
the above limitations and exclusions will not be applicable.
English Internationalwarranty
English USA Basic VSA 24.9.2009 11:21 Page 14