In case you wish to enter the precise wheelsize you have measured yourself (i.e. 2257), please
proceed with step 5.
Step 5: Not pressing the MODE button with in 2 seconds will make the last digit (2124) flash and change the
value (4-5-6-7...) Once the correct digit (7) comes up, press the mode button. Now the third digit flashes and
changes its value (2127). Once the correct digit (5) comes up, press the mode button. Next to flash is the
second digit (2157). Once the correct digit (2) comes up, press the mode button. Next to flash is the first digit
Step 6: When the wheelsize is completely entered, the computer automatically changes into set-up mode for
odometer value. Here you enter your previous totals after a battery change.
In case you do not wish to enter an odometer value, press the MODE button five times. Thereby you exit the
set-up mode and the computer returns to regular display.
For entering an odometer value, wait for the last digit to flash (12345) and automatically change its value.
Once the desired digit comes up, press the mode button. Next to flash is the fourth digit (12345). Once the
desired digit comes up, press the mode button. Proceed until you are done with the first digit, the computer
then will return to regular display mode.