8 ::
:: 9
5.4 PROG
PROG includes pre-programmed exercise profi les, memory positions for
self-designed profi les and measuring recovery pulse. The resistance level
varies in a pre-determined way and has three options: Health = fi tness
improvement, Slim = weight control, Fit = profi le designed for the
physically fi t. The level of diffi culty of the selected profi le can be scaled
from 1 to 9. Level 1 is the easiest and longest and level 9 the most
challenging and shortest. A full description of the profi les is given at the
end of these instructions.
Pre-programmed profi les (Health, Slim, Fit)
1. Press PROG until the desired profi le (Health, Slim, Fit) appears
on the display. Press OK to confi rm.
2. Use the - / + keys to select the level (Level 1-9). Press OK to
confi rm.
3. Start pedalling to begin the workout.
Designing your own exercise profi les
You can save three self-designed exercise profi les. Although the profi le can
be any of the MODE programs (Resistance, Watt, Pulse), the program
cannot be changed during saving. A total of 30 changes can be saved in
each profi le. There is no time limit in the profi les.
1. Press REC to start saving your self-designed workout. During
saving the text REC is displayed. Press OK after completing your
profi le. The text REC on the display is cleared and replaced by
memory position “User 1”. The fl ashing numeric value indicates
that a profi le has already been saved in the memory position.
Previous profi les can be replaced by new ones, or use the - / + keys
to move to other memory positions (User 1, 2, 3). Press OK to
save the profi le in the desired memory position.
2. To use a self-designed exercise profi le press PROG until User
appears on the display. Use the - / + keys to select a memory
position (User 1, 2, 3). If the memory position is empty the
reading 0:00 is displayed. Press OK to confi rm your choice.
3. Start pedalling to begin the workout.
Measure your recovery pulse rate at the end of the workout. To measure
recovery pulse rate press PROG until the text “Recovery” appears on the
display. Press OK to confi rm.
:: The measurement of recovery pulse takes two minutes, during
which time the current heart rate is displayed. During measuring
the text “Recovery” fl ashes on the display.
:: At the end of the measurement period the recovery ratio
percentage is displayed. The smaller the reading the fi tter you are.
Note that results are individual and not directly comparable with
those of others.
NOTE! If there is a problem in pulse measurement, the display will
show - - instead of the heart rate, and measurement of recovery pulse
will automatically restart when the user interface once again receives a
heart-rate signal.
:: Press OK to move from recovery pulse measurement to the
main display. The main display will appear automatically 1 minute
after the measurement.
When the user interface has not been used for three minutes (no heart
rate registered, no keys pressed, no pedalling), it automatically switches
itself to energy-saver state. The interface is returned to its active state by
pressing any key, starting to pedal or sending heart-rate signals to the
unit. The values in a workout that has been interrupted are saved in
the memory of the user interface for 10 minutes, after which they are
reset. The values on the display are always reset when the RESET key
is pressed.