CS 8.0 Owner’s Guide
Creating Your Own Workout
• Press Advanced Options until Custom Program 1, 2, or 3 is
• Use the , keys to select the type of custom program:
scale, fixed, record, or repeat. Press
• Enter your personal information.
• Enter your desired workout time. (This step does not apply to
the Fixed Custom Program. See Below.)
• Use the
, or numeric keys to adjust each parameter.
Remember, you can use the
and keys, too. Press
to accept each parameter. When you are entering the final
parameter or workout segment in a custom program, press
AND HOLD the key to accept the last parameter and
save the program. (This step does not apply to the Record
Custom Program. See Below
• To completely delete a custom program: while in Edit
mode, press , then press AND HOLD again.
Type Workout
Number of
What to do and what happens
Scale Set by user Auto Auto/Scale Set workout time, then enter up to 60
segments; auto-scales to workout time.
Fixed Auto Auto Set by User Set segment time, then enter up to 60 seg
ments; workout time is the segment time
multiplied by the number of segments
Record Record
60 Auto Begin to work out in default Manual mode
Repeat Set by user Auto/Repeat Set by User Set workout and segment time, then enter
up to 10 segments; pattern repeats