Star Trac 7700 Treadmill User Manual

Service Manual: E-TR and E-TRi
x Use a 5:1 dilution ratio (5 parts water to1 part Simple Green, Formula 409,
Fantastic,or the like).
+ =
(5 parts water) (1 part cleaner)
Apply cleaning solution to a clean cloth then wipe the following areas (Do not spray
directly onto surfaces):
o Display (Keypad)
o Heart Rate Grips
o Handrails
o Shroud
o Side Bed Covers
o Under Belt Edge
x Inspect running belt for proper alignment
(see Running Belt section for adjustment)
x Inspect for wear and tear on exterior parts
to include:
o Side stop switch for function
o Shroud, housing and other
plastics for damage
o Running belt seam for tears or