Spirit CT 800 Treadmill User Manual

How the Heart Rate Control Program Works:
Heart Rate Control (HRC) uses your treadmill's incline system to adjust your heart rate. Increases and
decreases in elevation affect heart rate much more efficiently than changes in speed alone. The HRC
program automatically changes elevation gradually to achieve the programmed target heart rate.
Heart rate Auto-Pilot feature
This unique feature allows the user to instantly enter the Heart Rate Control mode at any time with the press
of a button. The HR2 program button also doubles as the Auto-Pilot button. During any program the user
may press the Auto-Pilot button to enter the HRC program. Your current heart rate (the heart rate you are at
when you press Auto-Pilot) will be maintained automatically by the Auto-Pilot program. You may press the
elevation/incline up or down buttons to change your target heart rate while in the Auto-Pilot mode.
Selecting a Heart Rate Control Program:
You have the option, during the setup mode, to choose either the Weight Control (HR-1) program or the
Cardiovascular (HR-2) program. The Weight Control program will maintain your heart rate at 70% of your
Maximum Heart Rate. The Cardiovascular program will maintain your heart rate at 90% of your Maximum
Heart Rate. Your Maximum Heart Rate is based upon a formula that subtracts your age from a constant of
220. Your HR setting is automatically calculated during the setup mode when you enter your age.
You must receive a strong / steady value in heart rate window or the program will not start.
Press HR1 or HR2 button.
The Pulse window will be blinking, showing the default HR for this program. You may adjust it
and press enter if you want or just press enter to accept the default value.
The Calorie will now be blinking showing bodyweight. Adjust and press enter or press enter to
accept default.
The Pulse window will now be blinking showing age. Adjust and press enter or press enter to
accept default. Adjusting Age will change the Target HR value.
The Time window will now be blinking. Adjust the time and press enter.
Press Start to begin program.
During the program you may increase or decrease the target heart rate by pressing the incline
up or down buttons.
The HR2 button also serves another purpose, Auto-Pilot. This feature is used when
you are in any program and will automatically switch to Heart Rate Control when the
Auto-Pilot key (HR2 key) is pressed.
When to use Auto-Pilot: If you have started a program already and you reach a
Heart Rate you would like to stay at, just press the Auto-Pilot key and the console will
switch to heart rate control and keep you at your present heart rate.
Heart Rate Control programming
Heart Rate Control