If you selected the MANUAL mode, you can
adjust the pu._h and pull resistance levels at
any time by sliding the PUSH and PULL resis-
tance controls.
If you selected a preset program, the positions
of the PUSH and PULL resistance controlswill
determine the maximum resistance levels for
the program. Once the program is started, the
resistance will change automatically, as shown
by the resistance profiles on the console. Ifthe
resistance levels are too difficultor too easy,
you can adjust the maximum resistance levels
by moving the PUSH and PULL resistance
controlsto new positions. Note: If necessary,
you can end the program before it iscomplete
by pressing the DISPLAY MODE button for two
seconds. After a few seconds, the MANUAL
mode will be selected automatically.
_ egin exercising and follow your progress
with the monitor modes.
As you exercise, you can monitor your
progress with the six monitor modes. When the
power is tumed on, the scan mode will be
selected automatically. When the scan mode is
selected, the other five modes will all be dis-
played, for seven seconds each, in a repeating
cycle. The modes are described below.
• Scan--When the scan mode is selected, the
word =SCAN"
appears bdefiy in
the display.The
other five modes
willthen be dis-
played, for seven
seconds each, in
L Mode Indicator
a repeating cycle. The mode indicators will
show which mode is currently displayed.
• Repetitions/minute--When this mode indica-
tor appears (see
the drawing), the
number of repeti-
tionsyou are per-
forming per minute TOTAL
will be displayed.
• Total repetitions--When this mode indicator
appears, the
total number of
repetitions you
have performed
during your
workout will be
• Calories--When this mode indicator appears,
the number of
Calodes you
have burned dur-
will be displayed.
Note: Ifthe resis-
tance levels are
near the highest or lowest settings, the number
of Calodes you have burned may be sr_htly
higheror lower than the number displayed.
• Fat Calories---When this mode indicator
appears, the
number of Fat
Calodes you
have bumed dur-
ingyour workout
will be displayed
FATon page 12). Note: If the resistance lev-
els are near the highest or lowest settings,
the actual number of Fat Calodes you have
burned may be slightly higher or lower than
the number displayed.
• _me--lf the MANUAL mode is selected when
this mode indica-
tor appears, the
• length of time
you have exer-
cised will be dis-
played. If you
stop exercising,
the time mode will pause after ten seconds. If
one of the programs is selected, the time
remaining in the programwill be displayed.
If desired, you can
individuallyselect _ DISPLAY
one of the modes _.j_ MODEICI.EAR
for continuous dis-
play.•Press the
DISPLAY MODE/CLEAR button repeatedly
untilthe desired mode indicator is flashing. To
select the scan mode again, press the DIS-
PLAY MODE/CLEAR button repeatedly until
the word "SCAN" appears bdefiy in the display.
To reset the monitor modes, press and hold
down the DISPLAY MODE button for two sec-
onds. The scan mode willautomatically be
selected after the monitor modes are reset.
The console features an "auto-off" function_f the
pedals are not moved and the console controls are
not used for five minutes, the console will auto-
mbtically shut off. When youare finished exercising,
unplug the transformer from the wall outlet.