Precor EC 850 Exercise Bike User Manual

page 8
Using the EC850 Professional Cycle
The EC850 Professional Cycle is designed so users can work out without
instruction or training. The directions on the console and the prompts on the
screen will guide a user through the entire workout session. Before the cycle is
used, however, we recommend familiarizing yourself with it so it will be used
safely and effectively. This section covers the following information:
an overview of the features provided on the electronic console
information about adjusting seat height
information about adjusting the handlebars
instructions for turning the cycle on and off
an explanation about using the cycle in manual mode (workout program 0)
instructions for exercising on the cycle
instructions for designing a customized exercise program (two custom
courses can be designed—workout programs 8 and 9)
Understanding the Electronic Console
Once the EC850 cycle is set up, it is ready to use. There are no complex
instructions to follow or mandatory programming steps required to operate the
cycle. Simply select one of the 10 workout programs, then specify how hard and
how long you want to work. As you exercise, the electronic console provides
motivation and presents constant feedback about your progress.
A screen-saver feature causes the console displays to disappear 2 minutes
after a workout program ends. If you stop exercising and take more than a 2
minute break, your workout session ends and the screen-saver feature pro-
duces blank window displays. While the left and right window displays remain
blank, “EC850 Press any button to begin exercise” appears and scrolls
across the bottom window display.
Diagram 2 illustrates the EC850 electronic console. Its keys and displays are
explained on the following pages.