Precor EC 850 Exercise Bike User Manual

page 16
manual mode (program 0). To help you select from the preprogrammed
courses, Diagram 3 illustrates the course profiles.
Note: You might want to remember or write down the program number. By
specifying the same number again you can repeat the workout.
5. When the desired workout program number is displayed, press ENTER/
6. If the “Choose Effort Level” prompt appears, specify the effort level or
resistance you prefer by pressing the arrow keys.
This prompt will not
appear if you chose program 0 in Step 4.
Nine different effort levels are available:
1 Beginner exercise 6 Heavy exercise
2 Beginner weight loss 7 Light competition
3 Weight loss 8 Moderate competition
4 Light exercise 9 Heavy competition
5 Moderate exercise
Note: To repeat the exact workout again, you need to specify the same
effort level number in addition to the program number.
7. Once the desired effort level number appears, press ENTER/RESET. The
Enter Workout Time” prompt appears.
8. Use the arrow keys to specify how long you want to work out. The displays
in the left window (Calories Used, Distance, and Time) change as you scroll
through the units of time. When the desired amount of time is displayed,
The Club Settings program lets club owners limit the length of time allowed
for a workout. When specifying a workout time, you can choose any time up
to, but not longer than, this limit. For example, if the time limit is at 30
minutes, you can set a workout time from 2 to 30 minutes. You cannot
specify a workout time longer than 30 minutes.
After you enter a workout time, the Goal Setting display “Your Goals Are
appears in the left window showing the target amounts you can achieve
with the workout selected.
9. To start your workout, begin pedaling.
During a workout, you can change your effort level using the arrow keys.
Doing this affects how hard you work, but does not change the profile of the
course unless you are using Manual mode (program 0).
10. Continue your workout until the program ends. Maintain your exercise
intensity by pedaling with the pacer.
Note: We do not recommend exercising faster than the pacer since it is
provided to help you work out. If you want a more difficult exercise session,
select a different program or a higher effort level.
11. When the selected exercise program ends, review your performance