Precor EC 850 Exercise Bike User Manual

page 14
As you proceed through your workout, the left portion of the course profile
becomes shaded indicating the course segments you have already completed.
Exercising on the EC850 Cycle
This section explains how to exercise on the cycle. The EC850 comes with
seven preprogrammed courses. These courses differ in the “terrain” you cover.
Each course includes warm-up and cool-down intervals appropriate to the total
course length.
All seven preprogrammed courses can be performed at any of the nine effort
levels. To select the effort level appropriate for your level of fitness, start with
level 1 (beginner exercise). If you receive a score of 100 percent, continue to
the next highest level. Each time you receive a 100 percent score, you should
advance to the next effort level for a more challenging workout.
Note: The fitness score is associated with the pacer and helps you determine
whether or not you are using the correct exercise level. To maintain a 100%
fitness score you must finish the program at the same time as the pacer. You
will exceed 100% if you finish ahead of the pacer and be below 100% if you
finish behind the pacer.
In addition to the preprogrammed courses, you can choose a custom course
that you or the club owner has designed. Two custom courses can be created
(for instructions, see
Designing a Customized Course
later in this section). You
can also select manual mode (program 0) which lets you control your effort
level while the program is in progress.
Once you have answered the start-up prompts and started exercising in a
workout program, you can exit the program by pressing ENTER/RESET.
Pressing this key cancels the program. The cycle displays your Performance
Summary, then the initial start-up prompt.
CAUTION: Before beginning any fitness program, you should have a
complete physical examination by your physician.
To exercise on the cycle, take the following steps:
1. Check to see that the cycle is turned ON. If it is turned OFF, turn it ON
using the ON/OFF power switch. This switch is located on the front of the
cycle, near the power cord.
2. Sit on the cycle. Make sure that your weight is balanced and your feet are
positioned securely, with the balls of your feet centered on the pads. You
might need to adjust the seat and handlebars to comfortable positions.
(Refer to
Adjusting the Seat
Adjusting the Handlebars
for instructions.)
3. Press the ON key. The initial start-up prompt, “Choose Workout Program