ParaBody 888101 Home Gym User Manual

;TEP 5:
¯ Hookthe SMITH BAR (5) intothe slots ofthe UPRIGHT FRAM]ES (8).
CAREFULLY slide one GUIDE ROD (9) fltrough the upper hole in the UPRIGHT FRAME (8). Slicte one 1" SHAFT COLLAR (1 l)
the bottom of the GUIDE ROD (9), the CAREFULLY lower the GUIDE ROD (9) through the HOUSING (6) oft the SMITH t3AR (5)
into the bottom hole of the UPRIGHT FRAME (8). Repeat this step on the other side.
¯ Slide the 1" SHAFT COLLARS (11) up the GUIDE RODS (9) to thebushing and SECURELY TIGttTEN.