Healthrider HRTL20001 Treadmill User Manual

Press the SELECT MODE button to select the
desired mode.
When the key is inserted, the console will be in the
MANUAL mode. The MANUAL mode can also be
selected by repeatedly pressing the SELECT
MODE button.
If you want to select
one of the six preset
programs, press the
ton. The red PRO-
GRAM A indicator
will light. To select PROGRAM B, C, D, E, or F, re-
peatedly press the SELECT MODE button.
Note: PROGRAMS A, B, and C are twenty-minute
programs; PROGRAMS D, E, and F are thirty-
minute programs. The speed profiles in the center
of the console show how the speed of the walking
belt will change during the programs. During PRO-
GRAM A, for example, the speed will gradually in-
crease during the first ten minutes, and then gradu-
ally decrease during the last ten minutes. Each pro-
gram will begin with a two-minute warm-up period,
and end with a two-minute cool-down period.
Press the START/STOP button.
After the
ton is pressed, the
walking belt will
begin to move. Hold
the handrails and
carefully begin walking on the walking belt.
If the console is in the manual mode, change the
speed of the walking belt as desired by sliding
the speed control. To stop the walking belt, slide the
speed control to the “RESET” position. The SPEED
display will begin to flash. To restart the walking
belt, slide the speed control upward. Note: The
walking belt can also be stopped by pressing the
START/ STOP button; however, this will reset the
displays. To restart the walking belt, slide the speed
control to the “RESET” position, slide it upward, and
then press the START/STOP button.
|f one of the preset programs is selected, the speed
of the walking belt will change automatically during
the program as shown by the speed profiles in the
center of the console. The time remaining in the pro-
gram will be shown in the TIME display. When the
program is completed, the walking belt will slow to a
stop. Note: The position of the speed control deter-
mines both the speed range and the maximum
speed setting for the program. The higher the speed
control is set, the greater the speed range will be and
the faster the walking belt will move during the pro-
gram. If the program is too easy or too difficult, adjust
the speed control to select a new maximum speed
setting. To stop the program temporarily, slide the
speed control to the “RESET” position. The SPEED
display will begin to flash. To restart the program,
slide the speed control up to the desired position. To
end the program before the program is completed,
press the START/STOP button. If you select a differ-
ent program while a program is running, the walking
belt will slow to a stop.
Follow your progress with the monitor displays.
The four monitor displays provide instant exercise
feedback. The displays are explained below and on
the next page.
• CAL/FAT CAL dis-
play—Displays the
numbers of both
Calories and Fat
Calories you have
burned (see
BURNING FAT on page 14). Every seven sec-
onds, the display will change from one number to
the other. The FAT indicator will light when the
number of Fat Calories is shown. Note: The actual
number of Calories you have burned may differ
slightly from the number shown if the speed or in-
cline is near the lowest or highest setting.
• TIME display—
When the console
is in the manual
mode, the elapsed
time will be shown.
When one of the
preset programs is selected, the time remaining in
the program will be displayed.
• SPEED display—
Displays the speed
of the walking belt,
in miles per hour or
kilometers per hour.
The KPH indicator
will light when the speed is displayed in kilometers
per hour.
Note: To change the unit of measurement, hold
down the START/STOP button while inserting the
key into the console. An “E” (for English system—
miles per hour) or “M” (for Metric system—kilome-
ters per hour) will appear in the CAL/FAT CAL dis-
play. Press the SELECT MODE button to change
the setting. Remove and then reinsert the key.