Hasbro 59919 Games User Manual

If you would like to protect secrets in some of your files so that
no one can read them except you, use a 4-character (letter or
number) secret password. When activated, only by using the
password can the dear diary, phone/address, secrets, wishes,
favorites, special days, and dislikes files be opened. All other
files cannot be locked with a password.
1. Press ON and ENTER (or press QUIT once or twice if you are using
another file) to access the Menu.
2. Use the ARROW KEYS to select
the PASSWORD (key) icon. The
screen prompts PASSWORD?
3. Type a four-character password.
Press ENTER.
NOTE: The unit will display
when you type a character. This
is to help keep your password
4. The unit will prompt to re-enter your password to confirm that it is
what you want. Type your password again. Press ENTER.
5. The diary then prompts you with
three options: ON/OFF/EDIT.
Read this step carefully. Then go
to step 6 to activate password.
ON - Pressing ENTER activates the password.