a) Fairly good (message) Overall outlook for the day
b) Sun symbol Sunny day forecast
c) Rain symbol Rainy day forecast
d) Snowflake Snowy day forecast
e) Gift symbol You may receive a gift
f) Book symbol A good day to read a book
g) Red cross (doctor) symbol You may wish to consult a doctor
h) TV symbol A good day to watch TV
i) House symbol A good day to stay home
j) Hearts symbol Possibility of happiness or romance
k) Dollar sign symbol Possibility of good fortune
l) Sad face symbol Possibility of a little sadness for the day
m) Happy face symbol Possibility of extra happiness for the
n) Troublesome face symbol Guard against trouble for the day
o) Luck symbol Luck of the day - 1, 2, 3 or 4
diamonds. Four diamonds predict the
greatest luck.
p) Fortune symbol Wealth of the day - 1, 2, 3, or 4 dollar
signs. Four dollar signs predict the
greatest wealth.
8. For additional horoscopes, press QUIT once to return to the DATE?
prompt, then start again with step 5.
9. Press QUIT twice to return to BIRTH? prompt, then start again step 4.
NOTE: Press QUIT 3 times to return to Menu.