Excalibur electronic GB12-CC Games User Manual

choose the 24 hour system, AM
and PM are not shown.
ALARM: When the alarm func-
tion is enabled, a bell is shown
midway down the display on the
left. When the alarm sounds,
two bells are shown alternately.
(When the alarm sounds, it con-
tinues for a minute before stop-
ping automatically. Or you can
press any button to turn off the
alarm sound.)
CITY NAME: At the top of the
LCD display you’ll see a city
name, which changes as you turn
the globe. If you stop turning the
globe, and instead press the CITY
button repeatedly, the names of
seven cities which share the
same time zone will appear indi-
vidually on the screen. Hold
down the
CITY button for more
than a second, and you’ll see
that city’s country name, coun-
try telephone code and area code
and 24 hour clock and optional
date displays.
DOWN CITY/INFO: Press this
button repeatedly to scroll
through the names of seven
cities that share a time zone. The
display will continue to show the
information for whichever city
you last selected. If you’d like to
show your home location’s time
on the display, but your city’s
name is not among those listed,
turn the globe until your time
zone information appears on the
screen, and press HOME TIME.
The LCD will then show HOME
along with your local time,
date and day of the week.
Hold the CITY button down to
cause the LCD to display infor-
mation about a selected city,
including the country name
(abbreviated as 3 letters), the
country and area codes and MMT
(Monthly Mean Temperature
ALARM: Press this button to
enable or disable the alarm func-
tion. Once you’ve enabled the
alarm, a bell appears on the
CONTRAST: The contrast but-
tons are located on the bottom
side of the supporting base near
the battery compartment. Press
the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust
the brightness of the LCD dis-
Note: The contrast of the LCD
is dependent on the strength of
the batteries.
GMT: In the upper left corner
of your display you’ll see GMT,
the abbreviation for Greenwich
Mean Time. The time zone for
London is set at GMT 0, and all
other time zones in the world are
designated relative to Greenwich
Mean Time. For example, GMT
7, the time zone for Bangkok,
shows that the time in Bangkok
is seven hours ahead of London
time. On the other hand, the time
zone for Los Angeles is GMT -8,
indicating that Los Angeles is
eight hours behind London’s
GMT 0.
You can select either a 12 hour
or 24 hour clock. If you set your
clock based on the 12 hour sys-
tem, AM or PM will be displayed
below the GMT time zone. If you
Layout of LCD Display