Seca CT100 Electronic Ergometer
This cycle ergometer derives all the important information
from exertion tests without being affected by a subject’s speed
fluctuations. Starting performance and exertion at time levels
can be programmed on an individual basis and can be changed
at any time during the exercise test. The Cardiotest 100 can be
directly connected to standard ECG equipment.
Order code CT 100
Cyclus 2
This high performance ergometer combines the most modern
technologies with a wide range of individual applications
providing a perfect combination for training and fitness analysis,
using the riders own bike. Conconi test, OBLA test, maximum
cadence test, maximum strength test, CPI test and free
programmable test options, freely determinable recovery heart
rate period, adjustable mounting, special flexible suspension
allows natural degree of side-to-side movement when pedalling,
use of own gear system, rigid motion for track cycles, flywheel
for realistic stimulation of movement of inertia, maximum load
up to 3,000 watts and precise torques.
Order code CYCLUS 2
K1 Ergo Kayaking Ergometer
An air-resisted flywheel driven by a cord mechanism extending
from the extremities of the paddle closely simulates the paddling
action and the effort required to overcome water resistance.
With each stroke of the paddle the cord transfers the work done
by an athlete to a rotational force on the flywheel.
Order codes
Training Kayak Ergometer with on-board work monitor
Laboratory Kayak Ergometer with sensors & interface
K1ERGOLL Laboratory Kayak Ergometer with load cell
Concept 2 Rowing Ergometer
Designed to offer you high quality exercise for the rest of your life.
Rowing exercises and strengthens both upper and lower body
with a motion that is smooth, rhythmic and impact-free. Its’ wide
range of motion promotes flexibility in your muscles and joints.
The Concept 2 Indoor Rower is an extremely versatile machine
that can be used by people of all ages and fitness levels.
Order codes
CONCEPT 2 Rowing Ergometer
CONCEPT HR Heart rate receiver (excludes transmitter)
For realistic rowing action
call today 0121 472 0361
or e-mail info@cranlea.co.uk