b. Select the STO (Mass Storage) or PCC (PC CAM) mode by pressing the SNAP button. Then
press the MODE button to confirm and enter the next setting.
c. Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz settings for the camera output by pressing the SNAP button. Then press
the MODE button to confirm and enter the next setting. The camera’s default mode is the “60”
mode, which matches the power frequency for the United States. To change to the “50” mode,
press the SNAP button until the “60” changes to “50”. Confirm the selection by pressing the
SNAP button. To avoid any flickering on the picture, the correct power frequency (either 50 or 60)
for your country must be selected.
d. Escape the Setting mode by pressing the SNAP button.
16.The battery mark keeps track of the battery life. If the “Battery” indicator is blinking, it is necessary
to replace the batteries soon.