ES-3148 User’s Guide
installation 44
removal 45
destination 251
and bandwidth control 229
and DiffServ 229
color-aware mode 227
color-blind mode 227
setup 228
trunk group 131
trunking 131, 288
example 136
trusted ports
ARP inspection 202
DHCP snooping 200
Tunnel Protocol Attribute, and RADIUS 194
Two Rate Three Color Marker (TRTCM) 226
Two Rate Three Color Marker, see TRTCM 226
Type of Service (ToS) 225
untrusted ports
ARP inspection 202
DHCP snooping 200
user profiles 185
Vendor Specific Attribute, See VSA 193
ventilation 40
ventilation holes
hardware 40
VID 85, 88, 89, 167
number of possible VIDs 85
priority frame 85
VID (VLAN Identifier) 85
VLAN 77, 85, 288
acceptable frame type 91
automatic registration 86
ID 85
ingress filtering 91
introduction 77
number of VLANs 88
port isolation 91
port number 89
port settings 90
port-based VLAN 98
port-based, all connected 101
port-based, isolation 101
port-based, wizard 101
static VLAN 89
status 88, 89
tagged 85
trunking 87, 91
type 78, 87
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) 77
VLAN stacking 165, 167
configuration 168
example 165
frame format 167
port roles 166, 169
priority 167
VLAN, protocol based, See protocol based VLAN 94
VLAN, subnet based, See subnet based VLANs 92
VSA 193
warning lights 47
warranty 346
note 347
web configurator 36, 51
getting help 61
home 52
login 51
logout 60
navigation panel 53
screen summary 54
weight, queuing 162
Weighted Round Robin Scheduling (WRR) 162
WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing) 162
WRR (Weighted Round Robin Scheduling 162
ZyNOS (ZyXEL Network Operating System) 243