ES-3148 User’s Guide
802.1P priority 83
access control
limitations 245
login account 253
remote management 260
service port 259
SNMP 246
setup 190
address learning, MAC 93, 95
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 277, 279, 280
administrator password 254
age 121
aggregator ID 133, 134
aging time 78
alternative subnet mask notation 327
how it works 277
viewing 277
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 277
ARP inspection 199, 201
and MAC filter 202
configuring 202
syslog messages 202
trusted ports 202
and RADIUS 186
setup 190
privilege levels 192
automatic VLAN registration 86
back up, configuration file 242
bandwidth control 288
basic settings 73
binding 199
binding table 199
building 199
BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units) 108
Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) 108
bridging 288
certifications 345
notices 346
viewing 346
CFI (Canonical Format Indicator) 85
changing the password 58
CIST 112
CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree) 110
Class of Service (CoS) 225
classifier 149, 151
and QoS 149
editing 152
example 153
overview 149
setup 149, 151, 152
viewing 152
cloning a port See port cloning 280
cluster management 269
and switch passwords 274
cluster manager 269, 273
cluster member 269, 274
cluster member firmware upgrade 272
network example 269
setup 272
specification 269
status 270
switch models 269
VID 273
web configurator 271
cluster manager 269
cluster member 269
command interface 36
Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) 110
Common and Internal Spanning Tree, See CIST 112
configuration 224
change running config 241
file names 243
configuration file 59