
Remote Control 215
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Remote Control
17 Remote Control
This chapter describes the Remote function, which enables you to control external equip-
ment directly from the DM1000 top panel.
About Remote Function
The DM1000’s Remote function enables you to control external DAW (Digital Audio Work-
station) equipment, MIDI devices, recorders, etc.
There are three types of Remote functions (Remote 1 &2, and Machine Control):
REMOTE 1 (Remote Layer 1)
REMOTE 2 (Remote Layer 2)
To use these Remote functions, you must connect the DM1000 to an external device via
USB, and operate the faders, Encoders and [ON] buttons on the top panel to control the
external device remotely.
You can specify a target device and parameter values on the Remote | Remote1 and Remote
2 pages. These layers are enabled when you turn on the LAYER [REMOTE 1] and
[REMOTE 2] buttons respectively. During Remote operation, the controls on the top panel
enable you to control the external device. (You cannot adjust the DM1000’s parameters
unless you select a different layer.)
You can assign functions of a target device to the controls on the top panel of the DM1000
by using Remote Layers 1 and 2. The following targets are available for remote control:
ProTools ........................You can remotely control Digidesign Pro Tools.
Nuendo ..........................You can remotely control Steinberg Nuendo.
Cubase SX .....................You can remotely control Steinberg Cubase SX.
General DAW................You can remotely control DAW software that supports the pro-
tocol used by Pro Tools.
User Defined.................You can also assign MIDI messages to the faders, [ON] buttons,
or Encoders to remotely control a connected MIDI device, such
as a synthesizer.
User Assignable Layer.......You can combine the DM1000 channels to create a custom
layer. (See page 272 for more information on this function.)
Machine Control
From the Remote | Machine Control page, you can control an external recording machine
that is connected to the DM1000 MIDI port, REMOTE connector, USB port, or optional
MY8-mLAN card. There are two types of commands used for machine control.
MMC..............................MMC stands for MIDI Machine Control. MMC commands
can be transferred via the MIDI ports, USB port, and Slot 1 if
an MY8-mLAN card is installed.
P2....................................P2 protocol is used by the Tascam DA-98HR and other profes-
sional video machines. This command can be transferred via
the REMOTE connector.
Tip: ProTools, Nuendo, Cubase SX, and General DAW targets can be assigned to only one
layer at a time. If you have already assigned a ProTools, Nuendo, Cubase SX, or General DAW
target to Remote Layer 1 or 2, you cannot assign other targets to the other Remote Layer.
Tip: To control external devices from the DM1000, you can also use the User Defined buttons
or the CONTROL connector as a GPI (General Purpose Interface). Refer to Chapter 20 “Other
Functions” on page 265 for more information.