114 Chapter 9—Input & Output Patching
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Patching the 2TR Digital Outputs
You can route the DM1000’s internal signals to 2TR OUT DIGITAL connectors 1–2.
1 Press the DISPLAY ACCESS [OUTPUT PATCH] button repeatedly until the Out
Patch | 2TR Out page appears.
Signals assigned on the Omni Out page can also be assigned to the 2TR digital outputs.
2 Move the cursor to a patch parameter you wish to change, and rotate the
Parameter wheel or press the [INC]/[DEC] buttons to modify the patching.
3 Press [ENTER] to confirm the change.
Patching Slot Outputs
You can route the DM1000’s internal signals to optional mini-YGDAI cards installed in Slot
1 and 2.
1 Press the DISPLAY ACCESS [OUTPUT PATCH] button repeatedly until the Out
Patch | Slot Out page appears.
Signals assigned on the Omni Out page can also be assigned to the slot outputs. However,
you cannot assign SURR. XXX and M.MX XXX.
2 Move the cursor to a patch parameter you wish to change, and rotate the
Parameter wheel or press the [INC]/[DEC] buttons to modify the patching.
3 Press [ENTER] to confirm the change.