Output Patching 81
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Patching Direct Outs
Direct Outs can be patched to the Slot Outputs, Omni Outs, or 2TR Digital Outputs.
The Direct Out Destination parameters for the 96 Input Channels are divided between two
pages. The Input Channel 1–48 Direct Out Destination page is shown below. The layout of
the other page is the same.
In addition to using the cursor buttons, Patch parameters can also be selected by using the
[SEL] buttons.
Patching the 2TR Digital Outputs
Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Matrix Sends, the Stereo Out, Input or Output Channel Insert Outs,
or the Control Room signal can be patched to the 2TR Digital Outputs. 2TR Digital Out-
puts can be patched to Direct Outs on the Direct Out Destination pages (see page 81). The
left and right channels of each Digital Output can be patched individually.
When a 2TR Digital Output is patched to a Direct out (see page 81), and that Direct Out is
assigned on an Input Channel Routing page, the 2TR Digital Output patch cannot be
changed here.