220 Chapter 18—MIDI
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Using Bulk Dump
DM2000 data can be stored to an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI data filer, by using
MIDI Bulk Dump.
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [MIDI] button to locate the Bulk Dump page.
2 To transmit data, use the CATEGORY parameters to select the type of data
you want to transmit, select the TRANSMIT button, and then press [ENTER].
The INTERVAL parameter sets the interval between data packets during transmission.
The CATEGORY parameters can be set as follows:
ALL: All data.
SCENE MEM: ALL Scenes, individual Scenes, or current (i.e., the Edit buffer).
AUTOMIX: ALL Automixes, individual Automixes, or the current Automix.
LIBRARY: The following libraries: EQ, Gate, Comp, Channel, Effects, GEQ, Bus to Stereo,
Input Patch, Output Patch, Surround Monitor. For each library you can specify ALL user
memories, individual user memories, and for the Bus to Stereo, Input Patch, Output Patch,
Surround Monitor libraries you can also specify the current settings.
BANK: User Defined Remote Layer banks (RMT UDEF), User Defined Plug-Ins banks
(PLUG UDEF), User Defined Keys banks (KEYS UDEF), or the USER ASSIGNABLE
LAYER banks (USR LAYER). For each item you can specify ALL or individual banks.
SETUP MEM: DM2000 setup data (i.e., system settings).
PGM TABLE: Scene to MIDI Program Change table. See “Assigning Scenes to Program
Changes” on page 218.
CTL TABLE: Parameter to MIDI Control Change table. See “Assigning Parameters to Con-
trol Changes” on page 219.
PLUG-IN: The settings of any installed Y56K cards. You can specify ALL Slots or Slots 4–6
3 You can also transmit DM2000 data via a MIDI cable. To receive data, use
the CATEGORY parameters to select the type of data you want to receive,
select the REQUEST button, then press [ENTER].