PSR-S900/S700 Owner’s Manual
Connecting the PSR-S900/S700 Directly to the Internet
Connecting the PSR-S900/S700 Directly to the Internet
You can purchase and download Song data and other types of data from the spe-
cial website by directly connecting to the Internet. This section contains terms
related to computers and online communications. If there are some terms you are
unfamiliar with, refer to the Internet Glossary (page 183).
Connecting the Instrument to the
You can connect the instrument to a full-time online connection (ADSL, optical
fiber, cable Internet, etc.) via a router or a modem equipped with a router. For spe-
cific instructions on connecting (as well as information on compatible LAN adap-
tors, routers, etc.), refer to the Yamaha website
To use the Internet connection, you will first need to subscribe to an Internet ser-
vice or provider.
Connection example 1:
Connecting by cable (using a modem without router)
Connection example 2:
Connecting by cable (using a modem with router)
Connection example 3: Wireless connection
The special website can be
opened when directly connect-
ing to the Internet.
Depending on the Internet con-
nection, you may not be able to
connect to two or more devices
(for example, a computer and
the instrument), depending on
the contract with the provider.
This means you cannot connect
with the PSR-S900/S700. If in
doubt, check your contract or
contact your provider.
Connect the LAN cable to the
LAN port.
Some types of modems require
an optional hub network for
simultaneously connecting to
several devices (such as com-
puter, musical instrument, etc.).
Connect the LAN cable to the
LAN port.
Connect the Wireless Game
Adaptor to the LAN port.
A USB wireless LAN adaptor
also can be used.
Use a computer to connect to the Internet and get online before connect-
ing the instrument, since no modem or router settings can be made from
the instrument itself.
No router capability
Cable type
LAN cable
LAN port
* Here, “modem” refers to an ADSL modem, optical network unit (ONU) or cable modem.
LAN cable
ADSL modem
Router capability
LAN cable
LAN port
LAN cable
Access point
Wireless Game Adaptor
* Here, “modem” refers to an ADSL modem, optical network unit (ONU) or cable modem.
LAN port