M7CL Owner’s Manual
Operating the Cue function
This section explains how you can use the [CUE] key of a desired channel or DCA group to mon-
itor the Cue signal.
In the function access area, press the MON-
ITOR button to access the MONITOR
The CUE field of the MONITOR screen lets you
check the current Cue settings, and turn Cue on/off.
1 Popup button
Opens the CUE popup window, where you can make
detailed settings for Cue.
B CUE MODE field
Specifies how the Cue function will operate.
For each CUE group, this indicates the signal output
position and the output level. You can press this field
to open the CUE popup window.
D CLEAR CUE button
Clears all Cue selections.
Press the popup button or the INPUT/DCA/
OUTPUT field to open the CUE popup win-
The popup window includes the following items.
1 CUE MODE field
This specifies the mode of operation when multiple
[CUE] keys within the same group are turned on. This
operation can also be performed in the CUE MODE
field of the MONITOR screen.
B INPUT field
Here you can select one of the following positions
from which input channels will be cued.
• PFL (Pre-Fader Listen) button
........... The pre-fader signal will be output.
• AFL (After-Fader Listen) button
........... The post-fader signal will be output.
• POST PAN button
........... The post-pan signal will be output.
• PFL TRIM knob
........... If PFL is selected, you can adjust
the output level of the cue signal in a
range of -20 dB– +10 dB. You can
operate this knob using multifunc-
tion encoder 3.
C DCA field
Here you can select the position from which Cue will
be output from DCA groups, and specify the output
• PRE PAN button
........... The pre-pan signal will be output
• POST PAN button
........... The post-pan signal will be output
Operating the Cue function
• The cue signal is sent to the same output destination as the monitor signal. Be aware that for this reason,
the cue signal will not be sent to the connected monitor speakers if you turn off the Monitor function. How-
ever, PHONES OUT jack under the front pad will always output the cue signal regardless of the Monitor
on/off setting. For details on Monitor function settings, refer to “Using the Monitor function” (
p. 154).
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• Be aware that if you turn the POST PAN button on, you will be
unable to monitor the signal sent to the MONO bus from an
input channel that is set to LCR mode.