M7CL Owner’s Manual
Using the Recall Safe function
● If a MATRIX channel is selected
With the exception of the types of button that are dis-
played, this is the same as for a MIX channel.
These buttons correspond to the following parameters.
● If a DCA group is selected
If you press any of the [SEL] keys of the DCA groups, the
parameters for DCA groups 1–8 will be shown simulta-
neously. As the parameters subject to Recall Safe, you can
select either “ALL” or “LEVEL/ON” (fader position and
on/off status of [ON] key). Recall Safe will be enabled
when you make this selection.
If you want all parameters of the DCA group to be subject
to Recall Safe, turn on the ALL button. Unlike when a
channel is selected, Recall Safe will be enabled for that
DCA group the moment you turn on either the LEVEL/
ON button or the ALL button.
To enable Recall Safe for the selected chan-
nel, turn on the SAFE button in the SAFE
PARAMETER SELECT field. (If you selected
a DCA group, turn on either the LEVEL/ON
button or the ALL button.)
Channels or DCA groups for which Recall Safe is
enabled will be highlighted in the CH RECALL SAFE
To turn on Recall Safe for global parame-
ters, turn on the buttons of the GLOBAL
These buttons correspond to the following parameters.
When you’ve finished making settings,
press the CLOSE button to close the popup
window. Then perform a Recall operation.
Only the selected channel(s) (DCA group(s) and
parameter(s) will be excluded from Recall operations.
Channel Link (→ p. 130) and bus settings (→ p. 234)
are not subject to Recall Safe; they will always be
reproduced in the recalled scene.
This means that if Recall Safe is enabled for one of
several channels included in a link group or one of two
channels set to stereo, the parameter settings of that
channel may differ from those of the other channel(s).
In such cases, the applicable parameter will be auto-
matically re-linked the next time it is operated.
Button name Corresponding parameters
All parameters (except for WITH MATRIX
ATT Attenuator settings
EQ EQ settings
DYNA 1 Dynamics 1 settings
INSERT Insert settings
INSERT PATCH Insert patching
FADER Fader positions
CH ON On/off status of [ON] keys
OUTPUT PATCH Output channel patching
On/off status and send level of signals sent from
input channels / MIX channels / STEREO/
MONO channels to MATRIX buses
• If the ALL button is on, all buttons will be turned off except for the
WITH MIX SEND button located in the lower part of the SAFE
•You can switch the WITH MATRIX SEND button on/off while the
ALL button is left on.
Button name Corresponding parameters
INPUT PATCH Input channel patching
INPUT NAME Input channel name
OUTPUT PATCH Output channel patching
OUTPUT NAME Output channel name
RACK 1–8 Rack 1–8 settings
SAFE button
• In the CH RECALL SAFE field, the color of the highlight will
be green if the ALL button was selected in step 4, or blue if
buttons other than ALL were selected.
• If you press the CLEAR ALL button, Recall Safe will be
defeated for all channels and DCA groups for which it is
enabled (i.e., the highlighted channels and DCA groups).
•You can also switch Recall Safe on/off in the SEL CH VIEW
screen’s RECALL SAFE field (
p. 95).
• The Recall Safe function can be used in conjunction with the
Focus function (
p. 148). Channels or parameters that are
excluded from Recall operations by either Focus or Recall
Safe will not be recalled.
• If you perform a Recall operation while holding down a [SEL]
key, the Recall Safe settings of that channel will temporarily
be abled for that Recall operation.