Endpoint Block Plus v1.8 for PCI Express www.xilinx.com 29
UG343 June 27, 2008
Additional Design Considerations
Package Constraints
This appendix describes design considerations specific to the Endpoint Block Plus for PCIe
core. Table A-1 lists the smallest supported device and interface combinations for the Block
Plus core.
User Constraints Files
The user constraints file (UCF) contains various constraints required for the Block Plus
core. The user constraints file must always be used while processing a design and is
specific to the target device. Based on the chosen lane width, part, and package, a suitable
UCF is created by CORE Generator.
Wrapper File Usage
The wrapper contains an instance of the Block Plus core. When starting a new design,
modify this wrapper to include all I/O elements and modules. One of the following files is
generated by the CORE Generator based on the chosen lane width.
Table A-1: Supported Device and Interface Combinations
Smallest Supported
Device/Part Number
Data Bus Width/Speed
Wrapper File
XC5VLX20T FF323-1 Width: 64-bit Port
Speed: 62.5 MHz
XC5VLX20T FF323-1 Width: 64-bit Port
Speed: 125 MHz
XC5VLX30T FF665-1 Width: 64-bit Port
Speed: 250 MHz