Endpoint Block Plus v1.8 for PCI Express www.xilinx.com 25
UG343 June 27, 2008
Dual Core Example Design
The tests directory contains test definitions for the example test bench.
Dual Core Example Design
The dual core example design can be used as a starting point for designs with multiple
Virtex-5 FPGA PCI Express blocks. The dual core example design provides both Verilog
and VHDL source files, simulation scripts, and implementation files necessary to simulate
and implement a target design that uses two Virtex-5 PCI Express Blocks.
Although all Virtex-5 FXT FPGAs support multiple Endpoint Blocks, the dual core
example design is only generated by the CORE Generator when the PCI Express Endpoint
Block Plus for PCI Express is generated using the following device and package
Virtex 5 FX70T-FF1136 (XC5VFX70T-FF1136)
Note: The dual core example design may be used as a starting point for Virtex-5 FXT
FPGAs and package combinations not defined above; however, some FXT devices do not
support multiple 8-lane configurations. See “Chapter 5, Core Constraints” in the Endpoint
for PCI Express Block Plus User Guide for information about devices that support the 8-lane
Figure 3-6 illustrates the dual core example design structure. The dual core example design
instantiates two Virtex-5 PCI Express Block cores with the same configuration (that is, lane
width, BAR configuration, and so forth). Designers using Virtex-5 PCI Express Blocks with
different configurations need to generate separate endpoint cores using the CORE
Generator and configure each as desired.
Table 3-10: Tests Directory
Name Description
Test definitions for example test bench.
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