Main Outputs – Link Mode
In Link mode, selected by pressing the LINK key, the key parameters of the two Main Outputs are
adjusted together; when Link mode has been selected both CONTROLkeys (1 and 2) are lit
to show that both outputs are selected.
The following paragraphs only describe the differences between independent and linked
operation; they should be read in conjunction with the corresponding paragraphs in the Main
Outputs section.
Linked Mode Operation − Overview
Control of the two main outputs can be "linked" so that changes are applied to both outputs
simultaneously. There can be several reasons for wanting to do this:
1. Series or Parallel Wiring
The user may wish to create an output with either twice the voltage or twice the current
capability, see the Series or Parallel Connection with Other Outputs section on page 20.
Linked mode provides a convenient means for controlling the two outputs when they are
series or parallel connected.
2. Tracking Voltages (or Currents)
When in linked mode, using Numeric Set will set equal voltages and/or currents on the two
outputs. Control of the outputs can also be linked with different voltages and/or currents set
on the outputs. Use of the Jog control will then make equal changes to the two outputs.
3. Simultaneous Recall of Stored Settings
Each output has its own set of 10 memories. However, when in linked mode, a further set of
10 memories is available which can store settings for both outputs. Voltages and currents
can be set individually for each output and the control put into linked mode before storing.
The stored settings can then be recalled to both outputs simultaneously.
The existing settings for Output 1 can be duplicated on Output 2 using the Copy function before
or after linking.
When in linked mode the control functions are limited to Set Range, Set Volts and Set Current
(Numeric Set and Jog set), plus Store and Recall. OVP, OCP and Sense cannot be changed
while in linked mode.
Control of On/Off for each output remains separate when in linked mode. To switch the outputs
On or Off together the Multi-Output Control buttons must be used which are independent of linked
Selecting Link Mode
The only constraint on selecting Link mode is that both Main Outputs must already be set to the
same Range; in particular, the outputs may be linked even if their output voltage and current limit
settings are different. Pressing LINK when different ranges are set will cause the buzzers to
sound twice and the Range indicator of the previously unselected output to flash for 2 seconds.
Selecting Link mode will cancel any Jog selection set on either Main Output.
Set Voltage and Set Current Limit
Setting the output voltage and current limit by numeric entry or Jog control is essentially the same
as for the outputs in independent mode. Using numeric entry the two outputs will be set to
exactly the same new voltage and current limit, irrespective of the settings at the time the outputs
were linked. Note that there can be a finite time difference between the changes on the two
outputs, even if they are changing from the same initial setting; typically this time difference
should be no more than 40ms (80ms max). However, if the settings were different at the time the
outputs were linked, changing the voltage or current limit using the Jog control will maintain the
difference between the two outputs by incrementing/decrementing each output by the same step,