Store Settings
The instrument can store 10 set-ups for each output in non-volatile memory; the parameters
stored are range, voltage, current limit, OVP and OCP. The output state and remote sense
setting are not stored.
To store a set-up press SHIFT, STORE, store no., OK; the store no. is any key 0 to 9.
After key-presses SHIFT, STORE, the display shows
StorE - ; the SHIFT function is
cancelled (the light goes off). At this point, pressing any number key will display that number in
place of the
– and show either E (store Empty) or F (store Full) beside it,
StorE 1.E, StorE 2.F . Any number of stores can be checked by pressing one
number after another (i.e. without having to press SHIFT, STORE each time) before the selection
is confirmed with the OK key. A full store can be overwritten with new settings. At any time
before the OK key is pressed the store function can be exited without saving a set-up by pressing
ESCAPE or by waiting 10 seconds from the last key entry.
Deleting Stored Settings
Any store can be returned to 'empty' as follows: select the store by pressing SHIFT, STORE,
store no.; at that point press • . The display now shows
dELEt in place of StorE , e.g.
dELEt 2.F ; pressing OK deletes the content of the store.
Recall Settings
To recall a set-up press SHIFT, RECALL, store no., OK; the store no. is any key 0 to 9. After
key-presses SHIFT, RECALL, the display shows
rECAL – ; the SHIFT function is cancelled
(the light goes off). At this point, pressing any key 0 to 9 will preview the voltage and current
settings of that store number; the settings flash to indicate preview mode.
Any number of stores can be previewed by pressing one number after another (i.e. without having
to press SHIFT, RECALL each time) before the selection is confirmed with the OK key. Empty
stores are indicated by flashing
– in every digit position. At any time before the OK key is
pressed the Recall function can be exited without recalling a set-up by pressing ESCAPE or by
waiting 10 seconds from the last key entry.
Settings may be recalled with the output on or off. However, if the recalled setting involves a
range change the output is turned off to avoid any 'glitches'. After pressing SHIFT, RECALL,
store no., the ON/OFF key will flash (as well as the OK key) if completing the recall involves a
range change. The output may be turned off with the ON/OFF key and the recall then completed
by pressing OK, or OK may be pressed directly in which case the output is automatically turned
off and the recall completed.
Extra Functions
Variations on some of the factory default functions can be set by the user by using the # extra
functions facility. Each function change, detailed in the list below is accessed by pressing SHIFT,
#, nn, when nn is the 2-digit number in the list below; the display changes to
HASH No._ after
SHIFT, # and the buzzer gives a confirmation beep when the 2-digit number entry is complete.
As indicated in the opening paragraph of this section, the # functions can be set independently
(i.e. differently) for each main output; note, however, that the #02, #03 and #21 functions which
apply to the Auxiliary Output can only be set when CONTROLis assigned to Output 1.
# Code Function
00 Main Output always off at power-up (factory default)
01 Main Output status at power-up the same as at last power-down
02 Aux Output always off at power up (factory default).
Set with control assigned to Output 1.
03 Aux Output status at power up the same as at last power down.
Set with control assigned to Output 1.