Adjustable Humidity Display ------- 25
Adjustable Temperature Display --- 19
Air Filter Change-Out Indicator ---- 23
Automatic Heat/Cool Changeover - 19
Compressor Short-Cycle
Protection -------------------------- 21
CONFIGURATION -------------------- 4
Configuration Menu Chart ------------ 4
Factory Preprogramming ------------ 18
FAQs ----------------------------------- 26
FEATURES --------------------------- 18
Humidifier Maintenance Indicator - 23
Humidifier Control and Monitoring 26
Indefinite Program Hold
(Bypassing the Program) -------- 18
INTRODUCTION --------------------- 3
Thermostat Buttons----------------- 1
(LCD) Display ---------------------- 2
Keypad Lockout ---------------------- 20
Manual ----------------------------- 12
Programmed ----------------------- 12
Entering Your---------------------- 12
Planning Your --------------------- 12
PROGRAMMING ------------------- 12
Programmable Automatic Humidity
Reduction -------------------------- 25
Programmable Fan Control --------- 19
Programmable Vacation Time/Temp 19
Pushbutton Backlight ---------------- 18
Sample Programs ----------------- 14
Personal Programs ---------------- 16
Selectable Energy Management
Recovery (EMR)-------------------- 6
Clock ------------------------------- 12
Day --------------------------------- 12
Program ---------------------------- 12
System and Thermostat
Diagnostics ------------------------ 24
Temporary Program Override------- 18
Thermostat Startup After Total
Power Loss ------------------------ 20
TROUBLESHOOTING ------------- 32