3. My furnace (air condi-
tioning) cycles too fast
(slow). Is there an adjust-
4. Why does the blower fan
keep running after the
system has shut off?
The 1F95-391 has a feature called Adjustable Heating and Cooling Cycle times (also called
Anticipation) that allows you to increase or decrease the cycle times in heating and cooling.
This is useful if you think your cycle times are too long or too short. The higher the number
you select, the longer the cycle. The lower the number you select, the shorter the cycle. The
1F95-391 is adjusted in the Installer Table (see your installation instructions). The range of
adjustment for HEATING is from 1 to 40. The factory Preset is 05, the range of adjustment
for COOLING is from 9 to 40. The factory Preset is 24. The cooling will not go below 9
because compressors require a longer cycle. See page 6 of your Installation Instructions.
Normally the blower will turn off within a few minutes after the call for heat or cool. The
blower running after the system shuts off may indicate (1) the thermostat is set to FAN ON,
(2) the fan has been programmed to run at that time period or (3) something has damaged the
thermostat or equipment. If the thermostat display indicates FAN ON, press the fan button
once to set it to FAN AUTO, meaning the fan will cycle only with the equipment. If the
display indicates PRG FAN (Program Fan), sometime during programming, the
button was pushed. To remove PRG FAN (Program Fan), check all of the programmed
times and temperatures. When you encounter PRG FAN, press the
button to
remove it from that time period in the program. As a final test, set the thermostat to OFF.
Verify that FAN ON or FAN AUTO is not displayed. If the fan continues to run, you may
want to contact your heating and cooling service person for assistance.