
Introducing the Propaq Encore
Propaq Encore Reference Guide 17 Welch Allyn
Impedance Pneumography (RESP) Option
The RESP option detects the rate or absence of respiratory effort, and is configured with the
Pulse Oximetry option.
Printer Option
The Expansion Module with Printer (EMP) provides a lightweight 3-channel recorder.
Propaq-to-Acuity Option
This option allows communication between the Propaq Encore and the Acuity Central
Monitoring System by means of an ethernet network system installed in your facility. The
Acuity System operator can view the patient data and control most of the bedside Propaq
functions. The Propaq Encore connects to the Acuity System through an Acuity network
cable that plugs into the Propaq right side panel.
Modem-Propaq Option
This option allows telecommunication between a Propaq Encore and the Acuity System by
means of external modems. This option is configured with the Propaq-to-Acuity option. For
more information refer to the Modem-Propaq Reference Guide.
HP-compatible Side Panel Option
The HP connector-compatible option makes the Propaq Encore compatible with many
Hewlett-Packard sensors and accessories used with the Hewlett Packard Component
Monitoring System. This option replaces the standard Propaq Encore left side panel.