
Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP 53
Comments <count_preset> if included, allows presetting the absolute counter
associated with the channel pair. All quadrature pairs in <ch_list> will
be preset to the same value. If not included, the default count at
algorithm start will be zero.
<ch_list> must always specify both channels of a pair. More than one
pair can be specified. Both channels of any pair must be adjacent.
<ch_list> can specify channels on more than one E1538. The channel
numbers in <ch_list> must be in ascending order. The related error
messages are:
3115, "Channels specified are not in ascending order."
3116, "Multiple channels specified are not grouped correctly."
3117, "Grouped channels are not adjacent."
3122, "This multiple channel function must not span multiple SCPs."
The algorithm reads the current count through the low numbered
channel. The count is an unsigned 24-bit value ranging from 0 to
16,777,215. The counter can roll over from 16,777,2215 to 0, and roll
under from 0 to 16,777,215 is 16,777,215.
*RST Condition: SENS:FUNC:COND and INP:POL NORM for all
digital SCP channels.
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe14XX_cmd(...)
Usage See “Sense Quadrature Position” on page 21.
SENS:FUNC:QUAD 8192,(@142,143)
pair 42&43 will return quad
count (on ch 142), count preset
to 8192
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:RVELocity <n_teeth>,<index_type>,(@<ch_list>)
configures the first channel on E1538s to measure the rotational velocity of
a toothed wheel sensor. The E1538 measures tooth-to-tooth period and
converts it into units of revolutions per second (RPS).
See “Sense Rotational
Velocity” on page 22.
Range of
preset_count numeric (int32) 0 to 16,777,215 none
ch_list string 100 - 163 none