32 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP
Rotational Pulse Mode:
Variable Angular Position, Preset Pulse Width (by time)
In this mode, the angular position of the pulses is controlled by the algorithm,
and the width (duration in seconds) is preset before INIT. See Figure 22. Use
the following command sequence:
SOURce:FUNCtion:RPULse (@<ref_channel>),(@<ch_list>) to select the
channels that will output angular positioned pulses, and to specify the
reference channel.
SOURCe:RPULse:WIDTh:TIME <seconds>,(@<ch_list>) to preset the
pulse width in seconds. The algorithm will control the angular pulse position.
Example of variable position, preset width:
Set up channel 40 as the reference channel, and channels 45 through 47 to
output variable position pulses:
sense rvel for reference channel
SOUR:FUNC:RPULSE (@140),(@145:147)
3 rotational pulse output chans
SOUR:RPULSE:WIDT:TIME .001,(@145:147)
preset pulse width to 1 millisec.
Algorithm outputs pulses on all three channels with variable position.
ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’static float Pos1, Pos2, Pos3;O145 = Pos1; O146 = Pos2;
O147 = Pos3;’
preset ch 45’s pulse pos to 60°
preset ch 46’s pulse pos to 180°
Figure 21. Variable Position, Width Preset by Angle