Maintain aspect ratio—The aspect ratio is the length-to-width
relationship of the image’s dimensions. Select this option so the
image’s relative proportions remain constant.
AutoRotate image for best fit—If the image is a Landscape format
and the device is printing in the Portrait mode, or vice versa, rotate
the image to fit on the page.
Collate copies—If you’re printing more than one page, collate the
copies. Enter the number of copies in the Copies box.
Advanced—Click to see additional settings for the device. The
dialog that appears is specific to the device. For example, if the
device is your printer, the dialog box is your printer’s setup settings.
2. Click OK or Apply.
A Storage Options tab appears on the Scan Configurations dialog box
when the selected Destination Application is set as Transfer to Storage.
You use the options on this tab to select where you want to save your
scanned items for storage when scanning with that particular Scan
Configuration. Button 7 is set as the default Archive button for
scanning to storage, with Transfer to Storage as the destination. So if
you want to have the Scan Configuration apply to Button 7, switch to it
first before creating the new Scan Configuration.
Note: The selections you make using the Storage Options tab
override the storage options that apply to the Storage Properties. This
means that you can create separate Scan Configurations to store
scanned items at various locations in addition to the main location set
by the Storage Properties. See “Storage Properties” on page 45 and
“Transferring Scanned Documents to Storage” on page 89 for more