The Color Space setting sets the gamma value for the scanner so
scanned items look good on your monitor. Gamma controls the
brightness of the midtones of colors. This setting can be changed
later on as you are scanning.
16. Select the option that looks best to you and click Next.
The driver installation will now begin.
17. STOP when you see the “Complete the installation by connecting
your hardware” window. Do NOT click on OK yet. Leave the
window open and proceed to “Step 3: Connect and Power On the
Scanner” on page 16.
Reminder: If your computer is running AntiVirus or AntiSpyware
software, you may see messages asking you to allow installation.
Select the option to allow installation to proceed.
Note: If you want to see more information about your scanner and a
quick explanation of how to use the OneTouch features, click on the
More button on the window. After you have read more about your
scanner, return to the Connect Scanner window and proceed to
“Step 4: Connect the USB Cable” on page 17.