2. Click the Storage Layout options you want.
All documents are in the root—The scanned documents are saved
in the root of the folder specified in the Storage Location.
Documents are put into folders by month, week, or type—Folders
are created based on your selection (month, week, or type) and the
scanned documents are saved in those folders. New folders are
created for each month and week so you can keep track of when
you scanned the documents.
3. Click the Browse button to specify the location to store the scanned
documents, or type a location directly into the box.
4. Click OK or Apply.
Note: The selections you make using the Storage Options tab
override the storage options that apply to the Storage Properties. This
means that you can create separate Scan Configurations to store
scanned items at various locations in addition to the main location set
by the Storage Properties. See “Storage Properties” on page 61,
“Transferring Scanned Documents to Storage” on page 108 and
“Scanning to Multiple Folders” on page 110 for details.