7. Click the Format tab and choose the options you want from the
Format window.
Note that as you select formats, the image changes to represent the
selection so you can see, at a glance, what the layout will look like.
Automatic—Choose this option to let the OCR process determine
the layout of the pages. It is the fastest type of format processing.
Typically you select this option when the document has different or
unknown types of layouts, pages with multiple columns and a table,
or pages containing more than one table. The OCR process will
then determine if text is in columns, an item is a graphic or text,
and tables are present.
Single Column no Table—Choose this option if the document
contains only one column of text and no tables. Business letters are
normally in this form. You can also use this option for documents
with words or numbers in columns if you do not want them placed
in a table or decolumnized or treated as separate columns.
Multiple Columns, no Table—Choose this option if some
document pages contain text in columns and you want it kept in
separate columns, similar to the original layout. If table-like data is
encountered, it is placed in columns, not in a gridded table.