The settings on the OneTouch Properties window are:
Select Destination—The list of Destination Applications that can open
to display the scanned image. To configure the list of available
applications, click the Options tab at the top of the dialog box and
select the desired options. See “Selecting Options for the OneTouch
Properties Window” on page 35 for more information.
To make sure all your computer’s Destination Applications are linked to
OneTouch 4.0, click the Refresh button.
Select Configuration—The list of available scan configurations. A
configuration’s basic settings include: scanning mode, resolution (dpi),
page size, brightness (Br), and contrast (Cr). To see a selected scan
configuration’s settings, click its icon. Click the icon again to close the
detailed information.
These icons next to the scan configurations indicate the scanning mode.
You can also click the Edit button or double-click a configuration to see
more detailed information about it.
Note: Use Configure Before Scan if you want to set the scanning
mode manually before scanning. See “Configure Before Scan” on
page 95.
Click the icon of a selected
to view its settings.
Color GrayscaleBlack and White
Configure Before Scan