that may be installed, please see the Scanner Readme file on the
CD. See the section “View the User Guides” on page 22 to open
the Readme file.
13. If you also selected the full OmniPage Pro software for installation,
a window then tells you to insert the second CD to install it.
To install OmniPa ge Pro:
1. Click Exit Disc 1 and remove Disc 1 from the CD-ROM drive.
2. Insert Disc 2 into the CD-ROM drive.
The OmniPage Pro Installation menu opens automatically. If it
does not open, see the note on page 5.
3. Select Install OmniPage Pro.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install OmniPage Pro.
5. When installation is finished, remove Disc 2 and store it in a safe
6. If you want to install other software from Disc 1, re-insert it into
the CD-ROM drive now and see the next section, “Additional
Applications for Your Scanner.”
Note: The OmniPage Pro software provides additional OCR features
for your scanned documents.