
Show Scanner Icon in Windows Taskbar—Select this option to
see the small icon representing the OneTouch scanner in the
Windows taskbar.
Scanner Lamp turns off—These options control when the scanner
lamp power goes off.
After idling for xx minutes—Select this option to
automatically turn off the lamp if the scanner hasn’t been used
for the specified time. This option saves energy and extends the
lamp’s life. Click in the box and enter the number of minutes for
the lamp to remain idle before turning off. If you scan when the
lamp is off, it warms up before scanning resumes.
On System Standby/Shutdown—Select this option to turn off
the lamp when you turn off your computer, or when the
computer’s energy saver option automatically puts the computer
into standby mode.
Folder for Temporary Images—Click the Folder button and then
select a folder for the scanner’s temporary images. During scanning,
a temporary file contains scan information about the image.
Because temporary image files can sometimes be large, select a
folder that has sufficient disk space available.
5. Click OK.
In addition to the supplied documentation, you can access help for the
scanner’s features and the options on the Configuration dialog box by
pressing the F1 key or clicking the Help button in the upper-right
corner of the Configuration dialog box.
Scanner icon